Register to attend an event.

School Council Training bookings for 2024 are now open. Events for the year are listed below. As events fill, new events may be added.

Please identify the session(s) you would like to attend select ‘Click here to register for an event’. You will be prompted to create a log in for log in with an existing account. Once you have done so, you will be able to select and book into the event of your choice. A confirmation email will be sent to you upon registration. Please check your junk and spam folders and get in touch if you do not receive your confirmation email (contact details below). 

Please note: 

  • All participants must register for training, including council members of the host school. Student members must be registered by the school principal or other authorised school staff member. Please log in with your staff email details and follow the prompts to sign up the student member.
  • For state-wide training sessions, each participant should be on their own device. Having multiple people together can create challenges for others in the session. Private virtual or face-to-face sessions can be booked for a school where members may not have reliable access to their own device. 
  • If you experience any difficulties with screen display or booking, it may be the web browser. If possible, try logging in using a different browser.
  • If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to email the SCT team at [email protected] or phone (03) 9946 6800, option 2.

Training modules

Recommended first module of the year. Governance training provides the foundation for a strong, cohesive school council team. Governance training covers:

  • the key principles underpinning effective governance
  • the different roles & responsibilities of school council and,
  • how school council operates.

Encouraged for all school councils to collectively strengthen the knowledge and understanding of financial responsibilities. The module is especially recommended for treasurers, presidents, principals and finance sub-committee members. This training covers:

  • the role of the finance subcommittee, school council and the school leadership team
  • budgeting, internal controls, and school generated funds, and
  • how to interpret key financial reports.
Recommended for all school councils either prior to, or during a review year, or for members or councils that have not yet undertaken this module. Strategic Planning training covers:
  • the strategic planning process, including School Review, and school council’s roles and responsibilities in this process
  • the annual planning reports – Annual Implementation Plan and Annual Report to the school community; and
  • the type of data available to assist in monitoring the School Strategic Plan and the Annual Implementation Plan.
Essential for presidents, principals and vice-principals and is recommended for any other members or executive support staff who support the president role. The training also functions as a team building, co-learning and role-setting exercise for principals and new presidents. This training covers:
  • the roles and responsibilities of the school council president
  • what makes a school council effective, including the critical partnering between school council president and principal
  • how to lead school council meetings, including managing conflict, and
  • how to engage the school community in the school and its objectives.

Provides dedicated student only sessions for active student voice. Student members may wish to undertake student only sessions however they are invited and encouraged to attend general sessions with their school council.

Check below to find an event that suits you. Click the blue "book" button to enroll yourself.

School Available seats Mode Address Date Time Book
Strategic Planning
School Available seats Mode Address Date Time Book
School Available seats Mode Address Date Time Book
School Available seats Mode Address Date Time Book
Student Only
School Available seats Mode Address Date Time Book
* Please note:
  • If you experience any difficulties with screen display or booking, it may be the web browser.
  • If possible, try logging in with a different browser.
  • As noted above, there are NO walk ins. All participants must register including ALL participants from the host school.

If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to email us at [email protected] OR telephone us on (03) 9946 6800.

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